My Goals
Improve user experience (Product)
Improve/maintain search engine ranking (SEO)
Improve overall user conversion (Acquisition)
Make the navigation scalable to meet business OKRs and accommodate growth (Business)
Improve the visitation behaviour before conversion.
The navigation should be
Intuitive: It will be easy for users to understand and use without needing instructions or additional guidance.
Flexible: It will be flexible enough to adapt to our target users' different needs, preferences, and business goals.
Self-explanatory: Practitioners will quickly understand what each navigation link or menu item represents.
Scalable: As the website grows and evolves, the navigation will be able to accommodate new content and features without becoming cluttered or confusing.
Action-oriented: The navigation will guide users towards specific actions, such as signing up for a demo or converting.
Completed two design iterations before reaching an overall user success rate of 88%.
Presented the new IA strategy and design to stakeholders and obtained approval from CC Suite and Executives for it's implementation.

Final Design & Prototype
The new AI and navigation design generated many "Aha Moments, " allowing practitioners to quickly understand the company's offering while interacting with the menu. This got them excited, engaged and more curious about the product.
The new navigation displayed the following:
A pricing header (we found that most of the practitioners converted on this page)
A NEW solution header which displayed solutions for practitioners (i.e. wholesale, supplement dispensing, treatment planning, and patient adherence)
A resources header (change from "learn" for resources; blogs and practitioner resources offered by Fullscript's medical team are included under this header
The 34 navigation item cards were strategically placed under each menu item (headers), following the target audience's expectations and patterns.
I learned that:
A dedicated web section that speaks about the platform and its core features was crucial as it allows practitioners to see how the product works visually.
Adding a "Solution" header in the navigation was necessary as it allowed practitioners to know if the platform is the right solution quickly — it answers their pain points and needs.
Including Sales & Customer Service Team members in early brainstorming sessions is essential as they have valuable insights regarding our customer's needs and pain points.
We didn't need to test with 12 practitioners, and using a smaller sample of our cohort would have allowed us to reach the same final results and save time for analysis.
Discovery Phase with Stakeholders
Chapter 3 –––––– OK, LET'S COLLECT SOME DATA
1 / 2 – Develop Product Strategy; understanding business goals and current website user behaviour
Because this project has a lot of moving parts, it was important to thoroughly strategize execution as well as gather as much information as possible about our current website user behaviour and our stakeholders' input.

I built a user research and IA design strategy plan
I built this plan to provide structure, focus, and alignment. It helped set clear goals, define research methods, allocate resources effectively, mitigate risks, communicate with stakeholders, and plan for the future. Ultimately, it enhanced my ability to generate valuable insights and contribute to the success of the user experience design process.

Collected website quantitative data
Using google analytics, I gathered quantitative data and analyzed patterns and visitor behaviours that lead to conversion.
I learned that the pricing page is the main web page that generates the most conversion.

Defined our target persona
I aligned and collaborated with the product marketing team to gather qualitative insights about our practitioner's motivations.
Led sprint and brainstorming sessions with stakeholders
I lead condensed sprint workshops with our product designer, encouraging collaboration between myself, the content writer, engineers, and marketing to align on goals and business OKRs.
User Research & Testing
Chapter 3 (cont.) –––––– OK, LET'S COLLECT SOME DATA
2 / 2 — User research, tests and design
Now that I understood the current website behaviour and business needs, I conducted UX research and user testing with to understand our target audience's mental model, patterns, expectations, motivations and behaviour.

Ran card sorting exercices (x2)
In collaboration with our product designer, I ran our series of card-sorting user research exercises, gained a better understanding and overview of our users' mental modal and how they organize information. I consolidated all qualitative and quantitative data in Figma.

Conducted tree testing exercises (x2)
This series of user research exercises allowed me to validate previous hypotheses and assumptions I had in regard to how and where users will be finding specific information in the navigation.

Design iterations
Used the qualitative and quantitative data insights from our research and tests to make iterations to improve the initial navigation design.

(Use case: adding a solution section in the navigation)
During my research and testing evaluation process, I realized that having a section that speaks only about the platforms isn't sufficient. The target audience wanted to understand how Fullscript can be a SOLUTION for their practice and patients.

PLATFORM (platform focused – technical aspect)
In this section, the user will:
Have an overall clear and quick understanding of Fulslcript's platform features and how it works
Have the option to earn more in-depth about specific features they may be interested in
Have the opportunity to know more in-depth about how these features can benefit their particular practice needs
SOLUTIONS (practitioner-focused – to address practitioner pain points)
In this section, the user will:
Have a clear overall understanding of how Fullscript differentiates itself and answers to their practice needs (i.e., Supplement Dispensing, Treatment planning, Wholesale, Treatment adherence), no matter what type of practitioners they are
Understand that Fullscripts is a tool to support practitioners and their patients throughout their wellness journey

Card sorting (x2)
As I ran our series of user research exercises, I consolidated all qualitative and quantitative data in Figma. This gave us a better overview and understanding of our user's mental modal.
Tree Testing (x2)
We better understood our user's needs and behaviours by analyzing the results and insights we gathered from our tree-sorting exercises. It also allowed me to find new opportunities to test and improve our navigation.
MVP Page Insights
As we gathered data, we also collected valuable insights regarding what type of information users were expecting to find and see on other MVP pages of our website.

Design Iterations (2 rounds)
We then used this information to make iterations to our initial navigation proposal. We did a few rounds of iterations and tests and shared our results with our stakeholders.

Unfortunately, I could not see its implementation, as I was laid off because of company restructuring.
Nevertheless, recommendations for the next steps would be:
Set up and implement Mixpanel to link website and platform to gather clear user behaviour insights, monitor product usage, user engagement, findability and most importantly, user conversation and platform adoption.
Gather data with Mixpanel and continue to test and iterate with users to improve the discoverability of the platform and its features.

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font.
Fullscript's current website information architecture
is not scalable
and doesn't address new business objectives from a marketing and product perspective.
Previous learnings show that
practitioners are users who are confused about what Fullscript is and its services.
Is not practitioner solution-focused — practitioners don't understand how Fullscripts's platform works and how it can solve their needs
It doesn't showcase the platform (product) in a simple, straightforward and efficient way; users want to see what the product platform looks like and how it works before signing up.
Search engine friendly: Navigation should be designed to make it easy for search engines to understand the website’s structure and content.
Self-explanatory: The labels and organization of the navigation should be self-explanatory, so users can quickly understand what each link or menu item represents.
Scalable: As the website grows and evolves, the navigation should be able to accommodate new content and features without becoming cluttered or confusing.
Flexible: It should be flexible enough to adapt to the different needs and preferences of different users and business goals.
Intuitive: Easy for users to understand and use without needing instructions or additional guidance.
Design a website navigation that :
Action-oriented: Navigation should be designed to guide users towards taking specific actions, such as signing up for a trial or converting.
The Solution
Chapter 3 –––––– OK, LET'S COLLECT SOME DATA
Proposed an action-oriented approach.
Designed the information architecture as a guide to support practitioners' journey in reaching their practice goals:
writing treatment plans,
dispensing supplements to their patients,
purchasing wholesale supplements,
and improving treatment adherence.

Align with business goals and accommodate growth (Business)
Support the business's overall objectives. By revamping the information architecture, I can ensure the site is scalable and structured to support company initiatives.
Improve search engine ranking (SEO)
Clear and logical navigation is more accessible for search engines to crawl and index, which can improve the website's ranking in search results. If users can easily find what they are looking for, they are more likely to spend more time on the site, exploring different pages and engaging with the content, which leads to higher conversions.
Higher conversion rates (Acquisition)
If users can easily find the product or services they are interested in, they are more likely to convert or take other desired actions. Improving the navigation can therefore lead to higher conversion rates.
Enhanced trust and credibility of Fullscript (Brand)
Creating a cohesive and consistent brand experience builds brand trust and credibility, making it easier for users to convert and remember the site when recommending it to peers.
Improve user experience (Website — Product)
Design well-organized and easy-to-use navigation to help users find the information they are looking for quickly and easily, improving their overall experience on the site. This can lead to higher engagement and conversions.

But how do we ensure they know Fullscript is a SOLUTION for practitioners and their patients more intuitively?
A variety of practitioners land on Fullscript's website and eventually convert...
I initiated this project by leading UX exercises to obtain qualitative data (card sorting) and quantitative data (GA findings) to understand user patterns, motivations and behaviours. Then, I lead condensed sprint workshops encouraging collaboration between myself, our Product Designer, the Product Marketing Director and the Director of Lead Generation.
When we aligned on an initial solution, I conducted two series of user testing exercises (tree testing) to gather insights from our target audience (15 participants). I then made the necessary iterations to reach a final solution that key decision-makers approved.
1. Collected quantitative data from our Current GA Findings to understand user behaviour and patterns.
2. Analysed website data using google analytics and defined pages that lead to conversion.
3. Gathered qualitative insights about our practitioner and patient motivations from the product marketing team (workshop).
4. Built a research and design strategy plan and sprint (15 participants).
5. Iterated and Implemented stakeholder feedback and updated navigation terminology with our writer's support.
6. Using, I developed and led two series of user research (card sorting) and user tests (tree test) exercises with 15 participants.
7. Our Product Designer and I gathered results and insights from tests.
8. Wireframed, designed, prototyped and shared the last IA proposal with stakeholders. This solution was supported by detailed data decision-making rationale.
Steps taken
1. Collected quantitative data from our Current GA Findings to understand user behaviour and patterns.
Fig Jam Brainstorming session with stakeholders

Improving an Information Architecture to Increase User Conversion and Platform Adoption
My Contributions
Built user research and IA design strategy plan
Analyzed website data analytics (Google Analytics) to understand current user website behaviour
Conducted user research (card sorting) and usability testing (tree test)
Analyzed qualitative and quantitative data gathered from research and tests
Wireframed, prototyped, iterated and designed new website IA and navigation
Founded in 2011, Fullscript supports over 70,000 health practitioners by providing a platform (SaaS) that can prescribe and manage healthcare's best supplements to over 6 million patients, all in one place.
We had to adapt!
Fullscript acquired its biggest competitor in early 2022, expanding its B2B and B2C audience reach.
My Role
Led and developed the new website IA strategy. Design new navigation to address their growing audience and new business venture.
Develop product strategy and enhance website user experience focused on accessibility and user-centric principles to boost platform adoption. The objective was to create more impactful and intuitive experiences for our expanding audience and increase conversion and user platform adoption rates.
PJ Zito (Design Lead, Senior Product Designer)
Thao Nguyen (Product Designer)
Ryan Yuke (Senior Copywriter)
Figjam, Figma, Google Analytics,
UX Strategy, User Research and testing, UX Design (prototyping), Product Management
Chapter 1 –––––– WHAT NEED TO BE SOLVED
Fullscript's current website information architecture
isn't scalable
doesn't address new business objectives from a marketing and product perspective.
Previously conducted learnings showed that:
Practitioners are confused about what Fullscript is and its services.
Is not practitioner solution-focused — practitioners don't understand how Fullscripts's platform works and how it can solve their needs.
It doesn't showcase the platform (product) in a simple, straightforward and efficient way; users want to see what the product platform looks like and how it works before signing up.
Curious to learn more?
More in-depth details about this project are available below.